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Product Goal

We are striving to the kind of cattle that ropers and producers want to buy and rope. We realize that some of the Mexican corriente cattle crossing the border are nearly two years old. We do not feel we can afford to wait this long before roping our steers. Therefore, we are choosing cattle that have the physical traits and mental toughness to be roped at one year of age.

The following are qualities that we are looking for:

Steers at twelve months should:

*Weigh 390 to 425 pounds
*Have horns with good bases that reach at least to the end of their ears
*Display a good disposition
*Have good bone, muscle, and frame

Heifers at twelve months should:

*Weigh 375 to 425 pounds
*Have horns that reach to or nearly to the end of their ears
*Display a good disposition
*Be feminine looking

Ready 2 Rope Ranch, Hico, TX · Jean Poythress · Main: (254) 796-2375 · Mobile: (209) 606-8986